And Managing Azure AD Overview about MICROSOFTAZ-900 Exam Format: Multiple choice, multiple answer Length of Examination: 150 minutes Number of Questions: 40-60 Passing Score: 70-80% Registration Fee: 99 USD How to book MICROSOFTAZ-900 Certifications Exam? Visit to Microsoft Exam Registration Signup/Login to MICROSOFT account Search for MICROSOFTAZ-900 Certifications Exam Select Date and Center of examination and confirm with payment value of 99$ Benefits of having MICROSOFT AZ-900 Certifications Cloud Technology is one of the fastest growing field AZ-900 Dumps in the IT, You can expect better life and position with Azure Cloud Certifications. Getting certification AZ-900 is a good exam if you are just starting with Azure and the cloud. It is not just a marketing and sales exam, even do it is a very light exam. You will need to have some technical know-how. If you are planning to take this exam we have some recommendations for you. Understand the benefits of cloud computing and the different cloud models.
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