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Oct 04, 2021
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Cardiprois an ayurvedic medicine for heart and protective tonic for maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. It can be used by both heart patients and those who wish to prevent heart troubles. Jatamansi is used to treat high blood pressure, depression and promotes a calm sleep cycle, which can lead to heart ailments if not treated. Arjun offers an abundance of overall health benefits but is particularly known as the best known Ayurvedic herb for its ability to heal and protect the heart. Arjuna is a well-known heart tonic and cardio-protective herb. It strengthens the heart muscles and treats the cardiac debility. It also increases the coronary artery flow and protects the heart muscles from ischemic damage, as well as lowering high blood pressure. Arjuna is used for vitality, as lymph tonic for the heart, to promote normal blood flow and helps to nullify the effect of stress on the heart. Dalchini or cinnamon contains many antioxidants, which prevent or limit damage to blood vessels and may even help to prevent heart disease. It also significantly lowers LDL cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties. Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Get More Info : Click Here : Gotirth Cardipro Liquid Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Gotirth Cardipro Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth content media
Sep 25, 2021
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Breathon is an Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and cold, asthma, cough, tuberculosis and works on the complete respiratory system providing relief from sneezing, asthma, cough, tuberculosis, etc. These are caused due to the adverse effects of excess Kapha. Breathon controls the secretions of Kapha (mucus), increases digestion, tones the lungs, eliminates bacteria of the chest, relieves congestion, opens the lung walls thus increasing the capacity of holding oxygen. Vasaka is a potent herb known for its natural ability to manage respiratory ailments, particularly relieving cough, dilates bronchi, reduces inflammation of airways, alleviates allergic reaction and relaxes muscles, and promotes expectoration. It is the best Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy Like gomutra, it also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold (Precautions) Always consult your doctor before taking any Ayurvedic Medicine For Cough and Sneezing or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. Ayurvedic Treatment For Morning Sneezing always Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking, and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Ayurvedic Medicine For Sneezing and Cold – Gotirth Breathon Liquid content media
Sep 24, 2021
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Arthorid is a highly effective cure for ALL 80 types of vat diseases. It provides rapid relief for any type of muscle pain, cramping, joint pain, etc. Excess Vata (air) is the main cause for pain. According to Ayurvedic texts, cow urine is prescribed as the best Vata healer or regulator. Our R&D team has sourced powerful anti-vat herbs, which are processed with Gomutra, creating a safe and powerful remedy without any harmful side effects or addictive qualities of allopathic painkillers. It works simply and naturally by enhancing the digestive fire. Undigested food, which causes excess Vata (air) is reduced or eliminated, therefore relieving pain, cramps, etc. Rasna is one of the best-known herbs to regulate Vata and Kapha dosha. It is used to treat pain, gout and general debility, as well as used for increasing digestion. Nirgundi is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs used in Ayurveda. It is used in this formula mainly for its ability to relieve pain/ inflammation and act as a muscle relaxant. Nirgundi also treats vitiated kapha and Vata doshas. Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Gotirth Carcinex Liquid Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Best Joint Pain Relief Ayurvedic Medicine | Chronic Pain | Arthritis content media
Sep 21, 2021
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Nasal congestion and headaches are due to an imbalance of Kapha, resulting in a buildup of mucus. Nasal drops are a form of Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop and provide instant relief as the medicine administered through the nostrils directly affects the nervous system (brain) and venous system (blood circulation). Indigenous Himalayan Cow’s Ghee is a wonderful lubricant that helps to break up congestion, purify nasal passageways, and is known to cure migraine, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia tinnitus, hearing problems, vision problems, to treat lack of memory and concentration. Desi Cow Dung is antibacterial and an excellent cleanser. Black pepper pacifies Kapha, therefore curing asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold and other respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, headache, intermittent fever, and removes impurities or toxins. Apamarg is one of the best herbs to purify the body and digest ama, or undigested matter as a result of excess Kapha. It is considered the best herb for Kapha treatment in Ayurveda and Vata imbalances affecting areas above the neck such as migraine, epilepsy, convulsions, and psychological disorders. Precautions in Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda Always consult your doctor before Nasya therapy Ayurveda using any medicine or supplement. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating. Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Gotirth Carcinex Liquid Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda – Gotirth Nasorine Nasal Drop content media
Sep 21, 2021
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Gotirth Carcinex is one of the best alternative treatments for cancer known today. It is completely safe and natural with no harmful side effects that modern treatments may cause. Carcinex is derived from the Gomutra of healthy, indigenous Himalayan cows and natural, ayurvedic anti-cancer herbs. Its formulation is based on traditional ayurvedic medicines found in holyVedic scriptures. Carcinex successfully reduce and or eradicate cancer cells of most types including breast, throat, liver, stomach, skin, tumors, etc. It controls and inhibits the growth of cancer cells while reversing the negative side effects and damage of other medicines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. In post operation conditions where chemotherapy is necessary, patients who regularly used Carcinex experienced immediate relief and no longer needed chemotherapy. In some instances, Carcinex successfully cured patients after medical practitioners declared their state incurable! Science: Indigenous Indian cow urine is scientifically proven and patented as an effective cure for cancer. “Recently cow urine has been granted U.S. Patents (No. 6896907 and 6,410,059) for its medicinal properties, particularly for its use along with antibiotics for the control of bacterial infection and fight against cancer.” – International Journal of Cow Science, 1(2): 1-25 REVIEW ARTICLE © 2005, Cow Therapy Society, Pantnagar, India. Our formula of Indigenous Himalayan cow urine distillate along with powerful anti-cancer herbs is an incredible breakthrough in the fight against cancer. Gomutra purifies blood, enhances immunity, contains numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants and createsan alkaline environment, all which help eliminate cancerous cells read more... Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Gotirth Carcinex Liquid Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Gotirth Carcinex Liquid
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Sep 19, 2021
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Vitagreen is a Complete Care Ayurvedic Treatment and Wheatgrass is a young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticumaestivum, a subspecies of the family Poaceae. Wheatgrass, a natural superfood, has been used and cherished throughout the world, particularly in Indian culture as recorded in the earliest Ayurvedic texts. Its unique cooling, antibacterial and detoxifying properties, along with diverse array of nutrients are key to healing various ailments and living a naturally healthy life. Wheatgrass is about 70% chlorophyll, which has been termed as “green blood,” as it is key to blood development. Chlorophyll molecules closely resembles the hemin molecule, which combines with protein to form hemoglobin (75% of our blood). Hemoglobin is the iron-containing substance giving red blood cells their red pigment and delivering oxygen to bodily tissues. It is best for Ayurvedic Treatment for Weak Immune System. Gotirth VitaGreen is 100% pure, organic, raw, whole leaf wheatgrass powder. There are absolutely no additives, fillers, colors or preservatives. Our wheatgrass is grown using Panchgavya based agriculture techniques without the use of any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The wheatgrass is harvested at the joining stage, just when the blades begin to split, which is the peak nutrition stage. We use a LTG (low temperature grinding) method to ensure the wheatgrass contains maximum nutrients. It is vegan, gluten free, and cholesterol free and contains over 70 vitamins & minerals, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll and both soluble and insoluble fiber (fresh juice or juice powders lacks the necessary fiber that our whole leaf powder contains). Wheatgrass is a complete food in itself supplying most of our daily nutritional needs. Indication: Vitamin dificiancy (anemia), lack of energy, weakness, fatigue, skin disorders, weak immune system, hormone imbalance, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular health, stress/ anxiety/ depression, improves cognitive health/ brain function, diabetes management, anti-cancer, thinning hair and/or nails, inflammation and arthritis read more… Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Gotirth B.P. Norm Liquid Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Weak Immune System - Gotirth VitaGreen content media
Sep 17, 2021
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Gotirth ARK is a Best tonic for weakness in India it is a complete health tonic for men, women and children that can be used all year round. ARK is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-microbial so will cure bacterial and viral invasions and protect against future attacks. It is also anti-toxin so will purify the blood and body from harmful chemicals and can be used to treat venomous bites. Gotirth ARK nourishes the body, boost immunity power, slow the oxidation process to prevent aging, balances dosha imbalances, regulates hormones, increases sattvic energy providing peace of mind, nourishes the brain and protects/ repairs DNA. ARK also reverses the damage done from allopathic medicines and drugs. We only use the gomutra from healthy, indigenous, Himalayan Cows, NEVER crossbreeds! ARK naturally contains vitamins, minerals, salts, enzymes and antioxidants; Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any best tonic for general weakness medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Always consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating. Avoid spicy, salty, fried, processed/ packaged foods, smoking and alcohol. Limit stimulants such as coffee & tea. Consume easily digestible, fresh foods (organic when possible). Important – Our ARK Best Tonic for Weakness in India is completely natural and pure without any additives, fillers, synthetic colors, flavors or preservatives. Get More Info : Visit Here :
Gotirth Go ARK – Best Tonic for Weakness in India content media
Sep 12, 2021
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Cow is served in Indian homes since ancient times. Cow has been given the place of mother in Indian culture, the cow is called mother because the way a mother feeds her child. For some time after giving birth, only mother’s milk is considered nutritious and beneficial for a child. Similarly, the cow also feeds all the living beings with its milk. When a newborn cannot get mother’s milk, only cow’s milk is given. Cow’s (Gau Mata) milk also has the same nutritional and nutritious elements as a mother’s milk. This is the reason why cow is given the status of mother in Indian culture. We not only get milk from cow, but we also get other substances from cow, which are beneficial for our body. Among these substances there is a cow urine, which has many benefits, but the urine obtained from all types of cows is not so healthy, only the cow urine of indigenous cows has medicinal properties. . Only processed cow urine of Indian breed desi cow is beneficial for the body. Due to its many properties, many scientific patents have also been found on it, like 28 breeds of indigenous cow are found in India at present, only processed cow urine of these indigenous breeds is beneficial. One of these indigenous cows is the indigenous cow, which is known as Badri cow. This Badri cow (Gaumata) is mainly found in the Himalayan regions of Uttarakhand. Their cow urine is very beneficial. It is called so because these cows go for pasture in the forests of the Himalayas. Various types of Ayurvedic herbs are found in the forests of Himalaya. This Badri cow eats these Ayurvedic herbs. By eating which there is the effect of Ayurvedic herbs in their body, after that it drinks the water of clean and pure springs present in the Himalayas, that is why the urine of these cows is more effective. And does medicinal work for the human body. Which can remove various diseases occurring in the body. Cow urine is one of the Panchagavyas. Which acts as a medicine for the human body. Elements like potassium, magnesium chloride, phosphate, ammonia, carotene are found in cow urine. Which remove various diseases arising in the human body. Potassium is a physical element in the human body, potassium is important for the human body. Potassium is never alone in the body, it is always found with an acid. Potassium works for heart function and enzyme reactions in the body. Whatever fluid is present in the body, it works to keep its balance regular. Lack of potassium leads to lack of mental alertness. Due to low potassium in the body, there is fatigue in the muscles. Deficiency of potassium causes cold and cough. Constipation is also caused by deficiency of potassium. Frequent nausea and weakness also occur due to lack of potassium in the body. Indicates that due to deficiency of potassium, skin diseases such as itching, heat rash, herpes zoster, white spot, acne Diseases like abscess, etc. start happening. One reason for muscle cramps in the body is the lack of potassium. The effect in our heart rate is also produced due to potassium. If potassium in the body is proper. If it is in quantity, it works to keep the heart rate normal. Potassium is also helpful in blood transport in the body. The problem of blood pressure only produces potassium deficiency in the body. But its effect is also seen. After working all day where the person is physically so tired, he falls asleep immediately but this is not the case with all the people. It happens, some people are unable to sleep even after being physically exhausted. Such a condition of the body has been named as Insomnia. Diseases like Insomnia arise only due to the deficiency of potassium in the body. A substance called lactic acid is produced in our body, which increases due to lack of potassium in the body. Due to the excess of lactic acid in the body, the pH level of the body increases. Due to the excess of lactic acid, sometimes tingling starts in the feet, and a burning sensation starts in the hands and feet. The human body requires 47000mg of potassium per day. A young person needs to take in 47000mg of potassium per day. It is also clearly stated by the World Health Organization (W.H.O), that a person should consume at least 3570mg of potassium. Due to the deficiency of potassium, physical and mental stress increases in humans. Due to the lack of potassium, the body starts sweating more. The lack of potassium affects the ability of the brain to function, due to which gradually the brain function decreases. When the brain stops working, its mood is affected, its behaviour changes from time to time. Sometimes his behaviour becomes calm, then in a few moments he becomes irritable, and in a few moments man becomes happy again. Due to these changes in his nature, he has to face many troubles, sometimes there is trouble in the family and sometimes in the office, he starts having problems every day, that too only due to lack of potassium in the body. Due to deficiency of only one potassium in the body, so many diseases start arising. Therefore, it is very important to supply potassium in the body, the simplest way is to supply potassium in the body. A fair amount of potassium is available in processed cow urine. All these diseases can be cured by its consumption. Processed cow urine can cure almost all diseases and by this the body can also become disease free and healthy. Processed cow urine can be very effective in making the body disease-free and it can also prove to be helpful in eliminating diseases from the root. You can buy processed Gotirth Ark of Badri cows from here. For More Info : Click Here : Why is potassium important for the body? Get More Info : Click Here : Benefits of Cow urine Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel.
Why is potassium important for the body? content media
Sep 10, 2021
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Gotirth is a unit of Gotirthashram which is engaged in educating society on the value of Panchgavya and the significance of our beloved Gau Mata (Mother Cow). By combining 100% indigenous healthy Himalayan Badri cow’s panchgavya with divine herbs, we produce the purest, all natural, Ayurvedic medicines and health products, ensuring the highest quality and efficacy. For More Info : Visit Here :
Our Organization | Ayurvedic Health Care Products - GoTirth content media
Sep 08, 2021
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Cow is a moving dispensary, and cow urine is its medicine. In Panchagavya there is a Gavya Gomutra, a medicine made from cow urine has the ability to cure all diseases, the use of processed cow urine is spread in incurable diseases and also in Ayurveda. The treatment of cow urine is also mentioned in ancient texts like Charak Samhita, Atharvaveda, Bhava Prakash and Amrit Sagar. Its research has been done in the research of the benefits of cow urine. Along with this, research has also been done that for the last few years, processed cow urine is helpful in curing blood pressure and blockage in blood vessels. The use of cow urine in India has been going on since the Vedic and earlier times. In earlier times, cow urine was used most widely and it was also honored after seeing its properties. Due to these incredible characteristics of cow urine, cow urine was used outside the body in the form of lotions, ointments and baths, and it was used as medicine for internal purification and health of the body, as well as its use in beverage form. was done. Many examples of the treatment and properties of cow urine are available in ancient medical texts. In ancient medicine for various human diseases, treatments were done by using cow urine. In the 21st century, the properties of cow urine have been tested, processed cow urine is like an antibiotic for the body. Processed cow urine is effective in medicinal form on diseases. Cow urine is also very useful in the fields of agriculture and agricultural production. Processed cow urine is popular as medicine in India. The chemical properties of cow urine can be estimated from ancient medical texts and presently available medicine. According to modern research, sodium, nitrogen, sulfur, vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, manganese, iron, silicon, chlorine, phosphate, leptons, carbolic acid, enzymes and hormones are found in cow urine. Deficiency or excess of any one of these substances in the body causes disease inside the body. The balance of all these remains fine by the consumption of processed cow urine. It has been found by experiments that cow urine has antimicrobial activity and its fraction is due to solvent extraction ie easily soluble in the body. Due to this solubility, proteins made by the body to protect against bacterial infection that support the body’s immunity are called interleukins. Interleukin 1 and interleukin 2 together are B and T lymphocytes (protects the body from diseases), IgM (immunoglobulim M) Increases IgG (immunoglobulin G) and IgC antibodies. Cow urine is a microphage (a type of blood cell that cleans bacteria and viruses from every corner of the body) and increases the activity of phagocytic in the body, Due to which the body is protected from bacterial infection. Cow urine is also traditionally used in India. Knowing its medical uses, it is used in medicine form. In fact, it can be called an excellent antimicrobial and powerful antibiotic. Cow urine therapy destroys all such factors from the body due to which diseases arise. Daily consumption of cow urine increases immunity, Cow urine therapy increases cough, headache or migraine, constipation, thyroid, skin disease, eczema, herpes-itch, acne, cancer, heart disease, male sexual disorder, AIDS, diabetes, respiratory related Diseases, gynecological diseases, eye diseases, mental diseases, urinary diseases, asthma, contractures in the kidneys or liver related diseases and other such small and big diseases have the ability to cure. Thanks For reading this blog. If you want to know more interesting facts about the benefits of cow urine, then watch this video. Watch your all types of health related problems through our youtube channel
Benefits of Cow Urine | Cow Urine Therapy | Gotirth content media
Sep 08, 2021
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GoTirth is a best Online Ayurvedic Medicine brand from Rishikesh. We develop medicine from cow urine & Panchgavya which helps in Cancer, Sugar and more. For More Info : Visit Here :
Online Ayurvedic Medicine | Ayurvedic Brand From Rishikesh - Gotirth content media


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